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The Provost:: Dr. A.O. Oladunjoye

Avatar Dr. Oladunjoye Abiodun is a distinguished Environmental Health professional, a galvanizer of human resources and epitome of good virtues and role model. He is indeed a pragmatic educator whose intellectual endowment has made an indelible mark in bringing positive innovations and productive dynamism into the health care delivery services across various strata of the society.

Having passed his West African School Certificate in flying colours, he was admitted into the school of Health, Ijebu (Now Ogun State College of Health Technology, Ilese-Ijebu) in the year 1974 where he attended and successfully graduated with Higher National Diploma of the Royal Society of Health in 1979.With this his educational attainment, he thought it wise to engage himself productively and hence took up an appointment with the Ogun State Ministry of Health as Environmental Health Officer and was posted to the industrial and occupational Health Unit, Sagamu. This position he held between 1979 to 1981.However, upon his remarkable and satisfactory performance, Dr. Oladunjoye got elevated to the post of Higher Environmental Health Officer and was made to function in that capacity at the Health Education Unit of the Ministry of Health, Abeokuta from 1982 to 1984.

However, following his passionate ambition and enthusiasm to acquire more knowledge, he proceeded to the University of Ibadan, Nigeria where he obtained, upon completion of study, his post graduate Diploma for the Tutors of Health Science in the year 1986.

Still in his educational sojourn, Dr. Oladunjoye’s irresistible urge for greater self development and professional growth inspired him to proceed to the University of Ado-Ekiti where he bagged his Master’s Degree (M.Sc.) in Environmental Health Science in the year 2000.

To further harness quite maximally his endowed potential having been armed by the unflinching determination and resolve to broaden the scope of his intellectual prowess, Dr. Oladunjoye thus deemed it quite imperative to forge on and to this end enrolled at the Irish University Business School, United Kingdom for his Ph.D programme. By sheer dint of hard work, forthrightness and perseverance, this dream came to reality. It is worth mentioning that in addition to being conferred with the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Health Care Management, Dr. Oladunjoye on account of his exceptional brilliant performance was honoured as he received the Peter Kay Price award as the best Ph.D student of the Irish University, United Kingdom for the year 2010.

Trailing behind his meritorious service in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Oladunjoye given his academic milestones was offered the opportunity to show his paces in educational institution when he was appointed as a lecturer in the Ogun State College of Health in 1985. This, he fruitfully accomplished at various capacities moulding the character of younger generations.

Dr. Oladunjoye became the Head of Department of Medical Sciences of the College between the period of 1987 to 1988. He further served as the Head of Department, School of Environmental Health between 1999 and 2006. He was elevated to the post of Dean, School of Environmental Sciences in the year 2006 and 2007.

Having established his outstanding leadership attributes with much admiration, he was considered fit and thus appointed the Deputy Provost of the College in the year 2007 to 2011. And having run a successful tenure was upon completion returned to serve as Dean, School of Environmental Science in 2012.

While serving in that capacity, Dr. Oladunjoye held various academic positions and a number of vital visiting appointments were also obliged him. He served as an active member of the College Disciplinary Committee between 1992 to 1994.

He also functioned effectively as a member of the College examination Committee between the periods of 1994 to 1996. Dr. Oladunjoye was appointed the Chairman, College Entrance Examination Committee between 2008 to 2011. During these periods, the College from all available records witnessed unprecedented transformation in very many respects.

Dr. Oladunjoye was serving in his capacity as Dean, School of Environmental Sciences, when the Executive Governor of Ogun State, Senator Ibikunle Amosun deemed it perfectly fit to give honour to whom it is due! Having made wide consultations and considered all factors, his outstanding and commendable track record of achievement among other plethora of merits, the Executive Governor gave approval for the appointment of Dr. Oladunjoye as the new Provost of Ogun State College of Health Technology in December, 2014 following the expiration of his predecessor’s tenure.

Dr. Oladunjoye using his wealth of experience and enormous abilities to make a mark and better the lot of humanity has offered significant professional services in a number of capacities.

He is an examiner for the West African Health Examination Board. A curriculum planner for the Environmental Health Officer. He is also into HIV/AIDS counseling.Dr. Oladunjoye belongs to a good number of professional organizations which include the membership of Environmental Health Officer Association of Nigeria (EHOAN), Society for Environmental Officer Registration Council of Nigeria (EHORECON). Institute of Professional Financial Managers, United Kingdom among others.

Dr. Oladunjoye in his efforts at making brilliant contributions to knowledge has authored and co-authored several publications among which are “Solastagia and the Mental Affects of Climate Change, Hepran 2011.

Improving Health connecting people: The Role of ICTs in Health Sector of Developing countries (Paper delivered at the Ogun State College of Health Technology at the International Conference held on November 2010 at the College Auditorium (Published 2011). Fundamentals of Health Economics.

Dr. Oladunjoye has also on a number of occasions been invited for presentations thereby contributing towards attitudinal re-orientation and public enlightenment on several issues. Among these were:

-Health Education: An effective tool towards eradication of tobacco smoking.

-Micro Planning and Management on Immunization, Ministry of Health, Ogun State – 1989.

-The teaching of Unit Based Courses, University Teaching Hospital, Ibadan in 1991

-The Management of trainees, Institute of Training and Management in 1997.

-Research Project Supervision and Assessment, West African Health Examination Board in 1997

-Vital and Health Statistics, Epidemiological Unit, Ogun State Ministry of Health in 1998.

-Pollution Control, Organized by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency in October, 1998.

-Counseling on HIV in 2001.

-1st Mandatory Continuous Education Programme (MCEP) in Ibadan 2007

-2nd Mandatory Continuous Education Programme (MCEP) in Akure 2009.

Dr. Oladunjoye has also featured severally on the media both on Radio and Television to educate and sufficiently enlighten the public on various health related issues. In 1982, he granted a media chat via “Radio Nigeria” on the topic “Health is Wealth” In 1982 on Ogun State Television (O.G.T.V.); he featured and thoroughly sensitized the masses on the subject “Your Environment and You”. Also in NTA, Abeokuta in 1983, he spoke on “Egbin Omi” enhancing the knowledge of people on the uses of water.

In 1984, also on NTA, he was on the screen to address the all important subject of health titled “Alaafia Tayo”.

Driven by his firm resolve to add value to people’s lives, coupled with the spirit of magnanimity, his sincere love for humanity motivation of the weak and the less-privileged go beyond sympathy but also capped with empathy. This naturally endowed gift of Dr. Oladunjoye must have inspired him to float a non-profit, non-governmental organization known as Oladunjoye Foundation which serves as a veritable platform to attend to the plight of the downtrodden with all efforts best possible. The foundation has since inception impacted positively on the lives of many, to the glory of the Almighty.

Dr. Oladunjoye Abiodun is happily married and blessed with children.